The Light Duty Tarp can be used for camping, weatherizing, covering loads and machines, yard work and more. Tarps are lightweight, easy to handle and useful in cold temperatures. Tarps are manufactured from high density polyethylene, laminated on both sides with low density polyethylene which make the tarp strong and waterproof.
- Water, mildew and tear resistant
- Great for camping, weatherizing, yard work and storage use
- Plastic construction features 8 in. x 8 in. mesh weave pattern
- Hem is reinforced with strong plastic rope on all sides for added durability
- Polyethylene tarp won't crack in freezing temperatures
- Light-duty tarps have heat-sealed seams for added durability
- Ideal for both indoor and outdoor projects
The Light Duty Tarp can be used for camping, weatherizing, covering loads and machines, yard work and more. Tarps are lightweight, easy to handle and useful in cold temperatures. Tarps are manufactured from high density polyethylene, laminated on both sides with low density polyethylene which make the tarp strong and waterproof.
- Water, mildew and tear resistant
- Great for camping, weatherizing, yard work and storage use
- Plastic construction features 8 in. x 8 in. mesh weave pattern
- Hem is reinforced with strong plastic rope on all sides for added durability
- Polyethylene tarp won't crack in freezing temperatures
- Light-duty tarps have heat-sealed seams for added durability
- Ideal for both indoor and outdoor projects